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Beta Launch Research & Insights
Whether a startup, SME, or corporate, our analysis of pressing issues and original thought will ensure you are equipped with practical insights to solve specific problems you have. Here, our experienced team share their perspectives on critical business problems tech and marketing leaders face, so you can ensure the outcomes you want.
Helping Product, Tech, and Marketing Leaders Navigate Business Problems Using High-Quality Insights
Are You Experiencing These or Similar Issues?
- Difficulty in staying abreast of rapid technological advancements and driving business value through tech?
- Challenges in personalizing the experience for customers across their digital journey in this data-driven era?
- Frustrated with third party development companies and consultants who don’t understand your business or domain?
- Difficulty in generating new business online and reaching digital growth targets through traditional digital campaigns?
‘Corporate UX’: Practice Gaps and the Path to Customer Satisfaction and Improved Financial Performance
A pivotal survey by Nielsen Norman Group illustrated how spending 10% of a company’s development budget on usability or UX redesign can.....
How Traditional Views on Legal Complexity Intimidate Clients
The legal world is changing fast with technology, but the shift to digital services by law firms hasn't made clients equally eager to use...
The Balancing Act: AI-Based Legal Services vs the Human Touch
In recent years, the legal landscape has witnessed a notable transformation with law firms increasingly turning to digital solutions to...
White paper
Digital Services: the Banking Industry’s New Problem Child
- Difficulty in staying abreast of rapid technological advancements and driving business value through tech?
- Challenges in personalizing the experience for customers across their digital journey in this data-driven era?
- Frustrated with third party development companies and consultants who don’t understand your business or domain?
‘CTO – the Psychologist’ – A Role Banking Tech Leaders Must Master to Ensure Digital Change
Dr. Corrie Block, an Organizational Behavior Expert and a business coach in the UAE, asks, ‘If you were to go in for heart surgery...
A Mental Shift to Help Banking CTOs Get Tech Buy-In Quickly
I see the value in having a seamless digital experience, but I need to get buy-in from the rest’, is a sentiment we often hear in the...
Unique Tech Start-Ups from Oman: Robust Tech Solutions, Niche Problems, and Tradition-Inspired Service
While fellow GCC nations Saudia Arabia and the UAE have received most of the media attention and investment interest, as part of the...
The BFSI Tech Dilemma: Shifting the Focus from Flashy Tech to Customer Needs
In 2018, Nicky Morgan MP, the head of the powerful Treasury Committee (in the UK), demanded answers from the chief executives of...
Banks Can Be Inclusive yet Profitable with AI
According to PWC, a Citi Bank report reveals that addressing racial financial equity gaps in the USA alone could contribute $5 trillion to..
Heartfelt CX Can Help Restore Customer Trust in Banks
Customer loyalty is the currency that banks have rested easy on for decades. But as global tech and CX advisory giant Forrester’s US 2022...
Thought Leadership
Print & Digital Editorial Contributions
Contributions from the Beta Launch team’s thought leaders on topics like product management and CX as featured in top business, economics, and technology publications.
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